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(serves 4)

4 sole fillets

16 medium-sized shrimp (21/25 count),peeled and deveined and cut in half

4 scallions, roughly chopped

1/4 cup of parsley, roughly chopped

1/4 cup of red bell pepper, coarselychopped

1/4 cup bread crumbs

1 tsp. Dijon-style mustard

2 Tbsp. of extra-virgin olive oil

sea salt and fresh ground pepper

juice of 1 lemon

1/4 cup dry white wine

extra olive oil for drizzling fish

sweet paprika

Creamy Lemon Sauce

1 medium white onion, diced

1 1/2 cups of vegetable stock (or water)

1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil

2 Tbsp. Arborio rice

1 slice of lemon (about 1/2 cm. thick)

salt and pepper to taste

extra lemon juice (if desired)

Pre-heated 375F oven

  1. Rinseyour fish fillets and throughly pat-dry and set aside. Into your food processoradd the scallions, red peppers, parsley, mustard, bread crumbs, olive oil andpulse 3-4 times or until the mixture is blended and holds together well. Emptyinto a bowl and the shrimp. Season lightly with salt and pepper and set aside.
  2. Squeezesome lemon juice over the fish fillets and season both sides lightly with saltand pepper. To ensure that your rolls retain their shape, place the filletswith the outside side of the fillet facing up (this side will be stuffed).Divide the shrimp stuffing in four and spoon in the center of your fillets.Roll-up your fillets beginning from the wide-end of the fillet and secure witha toothpick.
  3. Placeyour rolls in a baking pan and pour water around the fish, then add the wineand another good squeeze of lemon juice and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinklethe tops of the rolls with some salt, fresh ground pepper and sweet paprika& place in your pre-heated oven for 25-30 minutes or until fish are opaque.
  4. In themeantime, add the stock (or water), lemon slice and olive oil in a small potand bring to a boil over medium heat. Now reduce to a simmer, then add therice. Stir for a minute, cover and simmer over medium-low heat for 15 minutesand stirring occasionally (you don’t want the rice to stick to yourbottom/burn). Check to see if your rice is cooked, then remove from the heatand remove the slice(s) of lemon. Puree in a blender or with hand blender untilcreamy. Taste and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper, extra lemon juice.Cover, keep warm.
  5. As soonas your fish is cooked, divide and plate (remove toothpicks) and spoon somesauce over each roll of fish. Garnish with some chopped fresh dill or fennelfronds and serve with green beans &rice pilaf. Pair with a Biblia Hora 100% Assyrtiko white.
September 21, 2019

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