Toronto District School Board- International Languages: Elementary - Celebrating Christmas on December 9. 2023 at Milne Valley MS, with the Romanian Language Classes.
Many thanks and appreciation to teachers: Anca Badea, Ioana Maier, Cristina Mares Vlad, Laura Buburuzan, Monica Catana, Minodora Grigorescu and site administrator Ramona Costache for her hard work and dedication to the Romanian Language Program. Many thanks to the parents Association Scoala Romaneasca Toronto/ORLA, to, Viorel Rusu and all parents for their great support!
Thank you to the TDSB IL- Credit Program Principal Zorica Perkajshi and vice principal Jo-Anne Doray for honouring the event with their presence! Congratulations to our students for giving us such an amazing performance! Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful New Year, 2024!