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“Study in Greece” (SiG) proudlypresents you the 2019-2020 study abroad catalogue, offering to the internationalstudents the opportunity to visit Greece, over a short term study abroadprogram, live in a Greek city, study together with their Greek mates, meetGreek academics, learn about the opportunity to study in Greece in an Englishtaught course, learn the history and the traditions of the country and enjoycultural excursions all over Greece.

“Study in Greece” is a non-profitorganization, fully endorsed by the Greek state, consisting of members from theGreek academic community, faculty and students. All SiG members share the samevision: the promotion of Greek studies and studies in Greece, with a view toestablishing Greece as an international destination for education and research.Our principal purpose concerns the creation of an educational and culturalbridge between Greece and other countries.

Part of SiG’s core mission is toprovide information on studying and living in Greece, to promote and supportGreece-based educational activities and opportunities addressed to studentsfrom abroad, promote and organize educational programs and activities, incooperation with Greek public Universities as well as organize and implementstudy abroad and exchange programs, connecting Greek and internationaleducational institutions, academics and researchers, all in an “one stop shop”point. We also aspire to become the point of reference for the fellow Greeksabroad, providing useful information and opportunities for studies andeducational activities, like heritage schools.

The added value of these programsis the participation of academics, faculty members and undergraduate orgraduate students from Greek educational institutions, who provide a fastercultural immersion and a better overall experience to the foreign participantsby acting as constant contacts with the people, landscapes, monuments, historyand every-day life of Greece.

We welcome you aboard our coursecatalogue for the academic year 2019-2020 and we are very excited to actuallywelcome you in Greece! In the meantime, don’t forget to visit our portal andsubscribe to our newsletter!

October 25, 2019

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