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Rebuilding From Ruin was an unmatched success!!! As a team, we demonstrated what is possible, and what can be possible!!! Pushed to the edge of extinction, the Assyrians have been fighting from the margins for their identity, for their way of life -- and for their lives. I'm deeply and forever grateful to my Co-Chair and driving force behind Rebuilding From Ruin, Stelios Kritikakos. Stelios spent 8 months of his life, surrendering his heart and soul for the Assyrian cause -- at a time when action is required, and promises no longer suffice. Stelios gave us a voice, a platform, and an audience. I'm equally grateful to our Greek brothers and sisters -- first and foremost among them, Nancy Athan-mylonas and Lydia Soldevila-Tombros, for conveying through theatre, with historical precision and artistic eloquence, with lasting impact and force, the magnitude of the tragic plight of an entire people -- MY PEOPLE. I'm grateful to ALL GREEK CANADIANS who embraced this initiative, lent us a hand, a compassionate ear, supported us through their attendance or with donations -- we all thank you!!! Especially: Victor Maligoudis and the Brotherhood Pontion Toronto "Panagia Soumela". A very special thank you to Juliana Taimoorazy, Sargon Saadi and Renya Benjamen. Working and spending time with you was a spirit-lifting and heart-nourishing experience. You INSPIRE us with your passion and drive. You are our family, and we are your soldiers. To our core team: Diklat Georgees, Nada Benyamin, Steve Naseri, Sophie Sagias -- this would never have been possible without your support. A warm thank you to Umta Shino, Audrana Esho, EeNanna Mardokh and everyone who attended. Stelios Cruz Amy Kontakos Eleni Kessaris Yosip Orahim Ordren Deko

September 20, 2019

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