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Message of the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, George Kotsiras, to the Expatriate Greeks on the occasion of the national anniversary of October 28, 1940

Greek Women and Dear fellow countrymen,

Today's anniversary of "NO" is a day of remembrance and pride for the Greek people, who, on October 28, 1940, stood up and fought with national solidarity and unity against the forces of the Axis. Today we honor those who fought and sacrificed for our freedom, writing one of the most glorious pages in modern Greek history, the epic of the ‘40s, and defending the fundamental and timeless values of Greekism, such as democracy, freedom, independence and justice.
The international critical and fluid period we are in makes the anniversary of October 28, extremely relevant, bringing to light these timeless and universal values that inspired our ancestors and continue to inspire Greeks all over the world. Today, more than ever before, we are called upon to jointly highlight the timeless messages of October 28, those ideals and values that are the constant benchmarks and compass of our Nation. It is no coincidence that Dialogue, Diplomacy and Democracy, words of Greek origin but of ecumenical significance, are the guiding authorities of Greece in its term as non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for the period 2025-2026.
We are proud of the Greeks of the Diaspora who are undoubtedly our best ambassadors beyond the borders of our motherland, as they not only showcase Greekism as a cradle of ecumenical values, but also contribute substantially to the protection of national interests and the promotion of the image of Greece internationally.
Strengthening the Greek element around the world as well as our ties with the Expatriates is a matter of national priority for us. With this vision, we proceeded with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to create the Strategic Plan for Greek Expatriate 2024-2027, a comprehensive plan for the Greeks of the diaspora, with clear objectives and actions.

Dear fellow countrywomen, dear fellow countrymen,

At a time when challenges to peace and security are multidimensional and more complex than ever, Greece is a pillar of stability, always staying true to the values for which the heroes we honor on today’s October 28th anniversary. Today, we call on all Greeks to move forward, with national unity, creativity and self-confidence, to achieve our national goals and for a better and more just world for generations to come.

Cheers to October 28th! Many years to come to all Greek women and to all Greeks!

October 25, 2024

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