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Across the country, Canadians are feeling the impacts of COVID-19 on their families, their livelihoods, and their way of life. Together, Canada and Ontario are working to enhance citizens’ quality of life, meet the needs of communities, and promote job creation and make meaningful investments. The Government of Canada is investing more than $13.6 million in these projects through the COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream (CVRIS), and the Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure Stream (CCRIS) of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure plan. The Government of Ontario is providing more than $8.3 million, with recipients contributing over $5.6 million, Other projects funded through CVRIS will support important upgrades to HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), humidifiers, and heating systems in longterm care homes across the city, providing residents with a more comfortable living environment. These investments will also improve the safety of homes for both residents and long-term care The funding announced will also support improvements to community, cultural and recreation facilities throughout the city, such as the rehabilitation of the Don Montgomery Community Centre, improving accessibility and quality of visitor experience at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, renovations to the Young Centre for the Performing Arts, and improved accessibility at the Toronto Zoo as well as the Pan Macedonian Centre. Project name: Pan Macedonian Building Accessibility Provincial Share: $108,856 Federal Contribution: $130,641 Total eligible cost: $326,602

September 10, 2021

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