Today I decided to write these lines straight from my heart. If anyone says that buying or selling a home in Toronto and the GTA is a walk in the park, they probably have never done it. No matter how structured it is, no matter the ease and flow it involves a level of hardship.
When selling a home it is ranging from “Will people like my home enough to buy it?” to “Will they appreciate the money I have invested in it over the years?” and “Will I sell it for the price I have in mind?”.
When buying a home it is more like “Will we ever find the one we are looking for with our budget?” to “Why are others offering so much money?” and “Are we overpaying?”.
In both cases, it is an emotional roller coaster. I find myself on this roller coaster with all these people. And I will tell you a secret. I am blessed to be working with nice people. I am honored to have their trust in this quest. Which is why I keep on working to make their dreams come true. I never give up. Even when I see they are heartbroken from something. Even when sometimes they give up on their dream I remind them this: You can choose to give up. I choose to keep on working on it until we get there.
People often tell me: what you are looking for is impossible. All I hear is I-am-possible. This is why I can also testify the following. When we get to the result they want and when we make the families we serve happier, everything else fades away. All the worry, all the stress, all the tiredness. It all becomes a distant memory. What remains is their family at a better place than they were before we started this journey. And that makes my heart smile.
#Remember to Say NAI/Yes to Life. Every Single Day.