Σε δήλωση προέβει στο Επαρχιακό Κοινοβούλιο του Οντάριο ο βουλευτής Aris Babikian αναφορικά με την 60η επέτειο Ανεξαρτησίας της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας. Ακολουθεί η κοινοβουλευτική δήλωση:
“I rise today to mark the 60th anniversary of Cyprus National Day.
On October 1, 1960 Cypriots gained their independence from British rule. Since then Cyprus has become a beacon for democracy, freedom, and rule of law.
Regrettably, the independence march was interrupted by the 1974 illegal invasion and occupation of one-third of the island by the Turkish forces. Since then the Cypriot leadership has struggled for the unification of Cyprus by peacefully means. On the other hand, the Turkish authorities have been intransigent and made the situation more complicated.
On this day we pay tribute to Ontarians of Cypriot descent whose traditions have become an indelible part of our cultural fabric and whose contribution to the growth, prosperity and vibrancy of our Province is duly appreciated. I look forward to further strengthening the bilateral relations between Ontario and Cyprus.
Furthermore, Cyprus Independence Day is a time to remember all those who lost their lives throughout the wars in Cyprus, especially the tremendous contribution of the Canadian Arm Forces serving under the UN Peacekeeping force and the 28 Canadian Peacekeepers who lost their lives serving in Operation SNOWGOOSE.
I extend our province’s gratitude to all who share this great heritage and whose accomplishments, struggles, and sacrifices continue to solidify Ontario’s position as a region renowned for its commitment to tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism.
Therefore, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to the Cypriot government and the people.”